Sunday, January 6, 2019

Job: A Biblical Character Analysis Pt. 1

January for the last several years has been the month that is filled with challenges. I have found that my response to those challenges often shapes the remaining months of the year.

It's not that the other 11 months are without their challenges, but January tends to help me know how to better respond to those challenges. It's a month of intense sacrifice, discomfort, and introspection.

I tend to become bitter and hateful of the process along the way. Being uncomfortable is not fun, but I've heard on more than one occasion how God cares less about my comfort and more about my character.

This year, I am reading the bible in a year, chronologically. What this means is that while I started in Genesis, I am now reading through the book of Job. Once I finish Job, I will return to Genesis.

Before I even began reading the book of Job, I knew God was preparing me to face the reality that I would be suffering or facing some sort of trial. I knew it before I even started to read it.

One of my trials has been ongoing for years. I received poor dental work years ago, that I hoped would be resolved by 2018. That hasn't happened. In fact, though my current dentist tried very hard to correct my issue, he was unsuccessful. What this means is that I will now need to go and see a specialist to fix my dental issue.

...what this also means is that I will be in pain until then. Make a long story short, I cannot chew comfortably on one side of my mouth. This has been the case for years, but within the last 2 months, it's gotten worse when it was supposed to be getting better.

Often times, I've noticed that right before things appear to get better, they get worse. Or so it would appear. 

Like Job, I am fervent in my faith. Try my best to do right by people, and yet challenges find me. But it's something to be said when God can brag on you...

Yes, I have challenges, but many of them are character-driven tests so that when God sends me out, He can trust that I will have the humility that will be required of me along the way. 

One of the other challenges I recognized is something that I very much brought onto myself. As did Job...I have given at least 3 people too much access to me. I tend to be rather private, but even in that I have not been wise in discerning what to share with some.

As Job had 3 "friends" that were quick to offer their opinions regarding his circumstances; so I have at least 3 "associates" who love to offer their opinions regarding my affairs. My challenge in the next week or so, will be to redefine the amount of access I've given to these individuals in an attempt to guard my destiny.

To be continued...

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