Monday, January 14, 2019

Job: A Biblical Character Analysis Pt. 2

I finished the book of Job today! Man, that book and the circumstances occurring in my life as I simultaneously read it, were tough. I was able to identify my 3 "associates," and I became mindful over the amount of access I was giving them to my life. I shut down one way of access by way of social media, and though it was not easy, it was wise. I am the kind of person who will answer a question honestly, even if it exposes something private and/or embarrassing about me. 

Sometimes I lack the discretion, to know what should not be shared, because I mistakenly see every thing as ministry. I see my past and current sins as ways to lead people closer to God, if given a chance to have a conversation with them. I tend to speak with people in a no-holds barred fashion, if I believe it will help them. On the flip side, I believe God to be saying, everybody doesn't need to know the nitty-gritty about you, because he/she very well may lack the maturity to handle my story. 

Learning lesson...

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