Monday, September 23, 2019

the seed

The seed...he didn't ask to come here.

The seed...was placed in the woman's womb by God.

The woman did not conceive the seed by way of immaculate conception. She and the man who would later become the monster...conceived the seed in matrimony.

The seed asks the woman not long ago...if the monster will hit him?

The woman responds saying she doesn't think so.

The seed then asks the woman if the monster will hit her?

The woman hesitates before responding..."I hope not."

The monster tries to use his influence over the seed to separate the woman from having a close bond with her seed.

Sometimes the woman becomes discouraged, and fears that the monster will devise a wicked scheme to take away her seed. To punish her because he knows that her seed is where he can hurt her the most.

The woman asks herself, "what's the worst thing the monster can do to me..." she ponders...

"He could hit me," but of course I would find a way to get even.

She thinks again..."what's the worst the monster can do to me..."

"Take away my seed," she dreads.

Suddenly, the woman rethinks her fears. If the worst thing that the monster can do to her is take away her seed...then that really isn't the worst thing at all.

The woman realizes that the worst thing that could happen to her is not losing her seed, or being bonded to the monster for the rest of her's being separated from her Creator. It's losing out on His love.

There is a start date and an end date to everything, the woman reminds herself. Even if the monster doesn't take her seed away from her, there will come a time when the seed will face his end date; as will the woman.

And greater still, is the end date of their oppressor.